
New York City Man Finds Uneaten In-N-Out Burger In The Middle Of The Street

A New York City man couldn't believe his eyes when he found an untouched double double burger from In-N-Out laying in the middle of the road. Lincoln Boehm was walking to McDonald's with his wife when they saw the burger "sitting comedically, like perfectly up on the street, completely untouched."

"It genuinely shook me to my core," Boehm told the New York Post.

At first, Boehm thought it wasn't real since the burger looked fresh, and there are no In-N-Out burgers located east of Kansas City. He knows from experience that the burgers won't last if you try to bring them back from the West Coast.

"Every time I've done it it becomes inedible," he said. "The bun gets soggy, and it becomes a mess. This one was just in such perfect condition. It just felt strange."

After taking a closer look, he realized that the burger appeared to be the real deal, pointing out the placement of the onions and how the bun was toasted. Boehm's theory is that the burger was brought to New York by a wealthy person on a private jet. He says that his inbox is filled with direct messages with other theories about how the burger ended up on a random street in the heart of Queens.

โ€œIโ€™ve got a direct message inbox filled with [theories],โ€ Boehm said. โ€œBut I would really really love to know the truthโ€ฆ I want to know how this happened.โ€

In-N-Out has not weighed in on the origins of the mysterious burger, and for now, it is unknown how the burger ended up nearly 2,000 miles from the closest restaurant.

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