Man Charged With Kidnapping 9-Year-Old Girl Found In Cabinet Of Camper

Photo: Saratoga County Jail

A man is accused of abducting a 9-year-old girl who was later found in the cabinet of his camper.

Craig Ross Jr., 46, was charged with the kidnapping of Charlotte Sena during his arraignment at the Milton Town Court in Saratoga County, New York, on Monday (October 2), WNYT reports. Ross' mugshot, which shows him looking dazed and disheveled, was released by police early Tuesday (October 3) morning.

Ross was taken to the Saratoga County Jail and was reported to be being held without bond as authorities investigate whether he had prior involvement to other child abduction incidents, as well as if he had been stalking the victim, whether he is a pedophile or if he was attempting to get money for her ransom, Newsweek reported.

Police are also expected to speak with Ross' friends and family to gather more details about his character while also comparing his DNA to that already in a database of child abduction cases during the ongoing investigation. Sena was reported to be alone riding her bike through Moreau Lake State Park, where she had been camping with her family, for several minutes at the time that she was abducted on Saturday (September 30).

Ross is reported to live just two miles from Sena's home, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul confirmed during a news conference, citing an address listed on the suspect's vehicle registration.

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